All About You Classes

Grow in life together!

Discipleship Classes


Join us for an introductory class that walks through an overarching historical perspective of the Christian faith. Then, a journey through the key historical markers of the journey of the Church of the Nazarene at-large and Nashville First Church of the Nazarene in particular will be shared. Finally, a look at some significant details about Nazarene polity as it relates to Christian Life guidelines for the Believer. Let's AWAKEN to the call of God on our lives!


Everyone is uniquely gifted with strengths that are intended to be used in collaboration with others who have varied strengths. This class will offer an opportunity for participants to take an assessment that will reveal ways they best lead with the gifts given to them by their Creator. Leaders who specialize in teaching these details will guide discussion that helps better understand how we can effectively collaborate with others who possess strengths that are different from our own. Let’s DISCOVER our strengths together!

In this class session, we will discuss the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is a tool used to help individuals understand their communication preferences and how they interact with others. Please click on the button below to take the assessment.


In addition to our leadership strengths, the Holy Spirit has imparted Spiritual Gifts to each Believer that are intended to be used to accomplish the mission of the Church. In this class, we will give a thorough explanation of each Spiritual Gift and learn how they are to be used in the Church and in the world. Let’s THRIVE as a part of the Body of Christ.

In preparation for this class, please complete the Spiritual Gifts Assessment and bring your results to class.  


As Believers, we are forgiven and filled with God’s Spirit to bear fruit of His Spirit working through us. We, as the Church, have a calling to reach the lost who do not know the Lord. As we testify to God’s work in our own life, we can share the Gospel Message. To live the life to which we are called as Believers, there are disciplines of Christ that will aid us in the journey. This class will describe those disciplines and discuss how they shape us individually and collectively. Let’s ENGAGE with the lost and share Jesus with them.

Welcome Breakfast

Invitations are routinely extended to new attendees at Nashville First for our Welcome Breakfast. This is a warm and welcoming opportunity to enjoy a light breakfast, meet others who are new to the church family, and gain some important and comprehensive understanding of the ministries of this historic church. 

New Members Received 

Full membership of the local church shall be composed of all persons who have been organized into a local church by those authorized so to do, and all who have been publicly received by the pastor, the district superintendent, or the general superintendent, after having declared their experience of salvation, and their belief in the doctrines of the Church of the Nazarene, and their willingness to submit to its government. The local church leadership shall seek to place every member into a ministry of service and a circle of care and support (Nazarene Manual section 107). : In preparation for membership at Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, completion of this discipleship series is required.


The Church of the Nazarene believes that Christian baptism, commanded by our Lord, is a sacrament signifying acceptance of the benefits of the atonement [of Jesus Christ, to be administered to believers and declarative of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and full purpose of obedience in holiness and righteousness. (Matthew 3:1–7; 28:16–20; Acts 2:37–41; 8:35–39; 10:44–48; 16:29–34; 19:1–6; Romans 6:3–4; Galatians 3:26–28; Colossians 2:12; 1 Peter 3:18–22) (Nazarene Manual Section 12). When you know you are ready for Baptism, please contact a pastoral staff member and inform him/her. A Baptism class will be arranged in preparation for the next opportunity.